
ProImpact launches innovative college mentoring service to help students get accepted to top universities and avoid the college debt trap

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, California., June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — ProImpact, led by Krzysztof Meyer, is revolutionizing college admissions support with a new mentoring program tailored to guide students through the complex admissions process. Chris, a social entrepreneur with 30 years of experience as a graduate recruitment volunteer George Washington University and University of Southern California, has seen first-hand the challenges students face without adequate support at home. “Over thirty years of recruiting, I have noticed that many good students did not have as much support at home for many reasons, so our college mentoring program aims to provide the kind of support students would find from a parent or relative,” Chris explained. The program offers personalized 1-on-1 coaching and a flexible 45-minute online course available anytime, anywhere.

ProImpact’s approach to increasing college acceptance rates is based on explaining the admissions process and providing actionable insights. “We look behind the curtain to understand what drives college admissions committees,” says Chris. The program is based on three simple but effective strategies: first, weaving key topics that resonate with universities into student profiles; second, building strong authenticity through concrete, practical steps; and third, leveraging ProImpact’s top ten insider tips that go beyond the application to increase your chances of acceptance. “When students implement these simple strategies together, they achieve great results,” emphasizes Chris. This holistic approach ensures that students not only meet but exceed the expectations of admissions committees.

A common sense approach to paying for college

“U.S. colleges and universities are facing a lot of criticism right now, but the fact is that people with bachelor’s degrees earn significantly more than those who don’t. The key is to avoid the college debt trap in the process of earning your bachelor’s degree, says Chris.

Backing up Chris’ statement, data from the U.S. Department of Labor highlights that people with a bachelor’s degree earn 67.9% more per month ($6,129 vs. $3,650) and face a much lower unemployment rate (2.2% vs. 4%) compared to people with only secondary education.

ProImpact tailors its advice to each student’s unique situation. For those on tight budgets, ProImpact strongly advises against accumulating significant student loan debt, as these loans are difficult to repay and often come with excessive fees and interest without the ability to easily repay. ProImpact focuses a lot of attention on financing undergraduate studies. The program offers a simple, 3-step game plan that any student can use to achieve their college dreams with less financial burden.

Another ProImpact resource is a proprietary database of 550 small and affordable colleges, which includes 128 colleges across the U.S. with tuition of at least $30,000. Colleges can be sorted by region, state and tuition. “There are great universities on this list that truly reflect the strength of our higher education system. I like small colleges because the faculty provide plenty of mentoring and the school community is personal and intimate,” Chris said.

Social influence and accessibility

As a social impact company, ProImpact offers services on a sliding scale. Two specialized courses are designed for first-generation students, providing essential assistance in planning your studies. Additionally, ProImpact is developing a program offering pro bono services to students in… Micronesia.

ProImpact for schools

For schools: ProImpact supports high school counselors during the busy admissions season with a student self-assessment tool that shows students’ progress through ten key admissions stages and provides a snapshot of their advisor. “This allows counselors to have a quick overview of each student’s progress, making the counseling process much more efficient,” explains Chris.

For information about ProImpact’s college mentoring programs

For students: Coaching: e-mail (email protected). Online course, go to:

For schools:

Video descriptions of ProImpact online courses:

Authentic U: Click to view video description

1street GEN 5-Star scholars: Click to view description

1street GEN Recruit: Click to see description

Contact: ProImpact E-mail: (email protected); Phone: (949) 898-4553; Website:

About ProImpact: ProImpact is a social impact company that combines insider knowledge with practical strategies to empower students to achieve their educational and career goals without falling into the college debt trap.

SOURCE ProImpact