
Income portfolios – American stock funds divided

In the U.S. market, so much attention is focused on big tech stocks that people forget that it’s possible to use U.S. stocks in an income portfolio.

And in fact, fund selectors in our database have no major problem achieving this goal.

Generally speaking, U.S. stock funds used in income portfolios have seen a dramatic shift in value, which is not surprising by far, but given the weight of the tilt toward growth in other types of portfolios, such swings are indeed dizzying.

In fact, 40 percent of funds held in income portfolios have a value style. Although this still means that US equity exposure in income portfolios has a smaller skew towards value than UK equity exposure in income portfolios, where it is 60%.

The most popular fund here is, unsurprisingly, JPM US Equity Income, making JPMorgan the most popular fund for US equity exposure in income portfolios.

Their closest rival is Fidelity, which has half the number of allocators holding its funds.