
My experience with an Eagle project

BSA (Boy Scouts of America), which will be renamed Scouting America, is an organization that shaped my childhood experiences and introduced valuable lessons that future leaders use today. I have had the pleasure of being affiliated with Scouting for over four years. During this time, my fellow Scouts and I grew as people, formed valuable friendships, and created memories that all teenagers deserve. Recently, I took on my Eagle Project, a lasting achievement a Scout can earn through the BSA. It was a project that not only benefited the community and had a positive impact on society, the environment and much more, but also filled me with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Here is my experience working on my Eagle Project and how it can promote personal growth in adolescents.

An overview of Eagle projects

Eagle Projects are led by teenagers with Life Rank, which is one of the highest ranks a Scout can achieve in the system. To achieve this rank, Scouts must demonstrate leadership, participate in community service, and earn various merit badges. This could include building benches and chairs, making beehives and even setting up a charitable fund. The possibilities of BSA are limitless! An Eagle Project aims to demonstrate leadership and make a difference in the community. This is one of the highest honors for all Scouts, whether they achieve Eagle rank or not, since everyone is welcome to participate. Scouting is a flexible program that promotes the inclusion of all Scouts.

Before starting my Eagle project, I volunteered for many others. It was beyond exciting to start this adventure for the benefit of my favorite park, which I have been visiting for several years. Scouting has continually enabled millions of young Americans to create unforgettable memories and positive change. It allowed generations to express themselves and learn valuable life lessons that paved the way for their fantastic futures.

The goal of my Eagle Project was to remove garlic mustard, an invasive species that destroys native plants, from an area experiencing environmental unrest. This invasive species threatened the biodiversity of the region, and by removing it, we were able to restore balance to the ecosystem. In exchange for removing the mustard plants, my volunteers and I planted cacti to encourage keystone species (such as the cactus wren) to nest and live in the treated area. This not only helped restore the ecosystem but also provided a safe habitat for these species. BSA and my Eagle Project gave me insight into the dangers ecosystems face nationwide.

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The Eagle Projects Process

Eagle projects require authorization from the establishment they support and troop leaders. There are specific guidelines to ensure the success of the planned project. My Eagle Project followed a two-day plan: remove invasive species and plant cacti in treated areas of a local park. Scouts received instructions and safety guidelines from park staff, including how to stay safe while removing garlic mustard (extracted from the root). Safety and preparation are the two most important aspects of an Eagle project and should be a priority for everyone involved.

Working as a team, my volunteers and I treated many areas affected by invasive species. Together, we learned that the power of community is an unstoppable force that can change the world, one project at a time. The sense of unity and teamwork we felt during Project Eagle was truly remarkable, fostering a strong sense of belonging and community.

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Overcome the obstacles

My Eagle Project taught me effective ways to solve problems outdoors. For example, removing garlic mustard can be tedious and require intense physical labor to uproot large plants. Although it’s fun, managing cacti isn’t always easy. These obstacles have improved my team’s resilience and its approach to new aspects of environmental issues.

To successfully remove the roots of the invasive species, park staff and I poured water to loosen the soil before starting the project. This way it was easier to pull out the roots and prevent the garlic mustard from growing back. After this process, I discovered that occasional obstacles and setbacks within a project can provide valuable opportunities to learn and apply essential skills. Thinking positively can encourage personal growth, even in the face of tribulations. This realization has filled me with hope and resilience, and I believe it can do the same for you.

With all Eagle projects nationwide, Scouts’ impacts accumulate to become greater. Younger generations should be aware of global issues that impact marginalized communities and ecosystems. BSA, which has served generations and the community for over a century, encourages young Scouts and future leaders to make a difference. It’s not just about the projects we complete, but also the personal growth and values ​​we learn along the way. BSA is a place where everyone, regardless of background or ability, can find a place to belong and grow.

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How to make the difference

Even if you are not a Scout or a member of the BSA, there are many ways to make a positive contribution. You can volunteer at local parks, help with beach cleanups, or even start your own community service project. There are many free volunteer opportunities and organizations that need your help. Your potential involvement in community service can open the door to meeting like-minded people and leaders. I encourage you to support and defend what you believe in.

If you would like to learn more about BSA, visit their website. Joining this national organization is supportive and practical. Everyone, man or woman, is welcome. Please access this resource for more information.

Eagle Projects allow Scouts to express their dedication to a healthy community. I am honored to have the opportunity to remove invasive species and work alongside passionate volunteers. Today’s younger generations and teenagers have the potential to not only solve problems, but also use their voices to echo into the future.

Will you use yours?