
Young firefighters from Mexico awarded the Firefighter of the Year award

From left, Mexican firefighters Jacob Cunningham, Troy Swett and Hunter Bradbury received this year’s George Downs Memorial Firefighter of the Year award for their actions during the devastating December floods.

RUMFORD – On June 6, the Mexico City Fire Department held its annual department dinner, hosted by Chamberlain’s Tap & Table Restaurant.

Three young members were honored with the George Downs Memorial Firefighter of the Year award. This commemorative award typically goes to an individual member who demonstrates commitment above and beyond the call of duty during the previous year.

But this year, boss Mat Theriault said they couldn’t pick just one.

Firefighters Jacob Cunningham, Troy Swett and Hunter Bradbury received this year’s award for their actions during December’s devastating floods.

“These young men really stepped up when we needed them and showed selflessness beyond their comfort zone,” Theriault said.

“From rescuing community members from flooded homes or multiple vehicles submerged in the river, to wading through chest-deep floodwaters to help those in need, these boys did it without hesitation when asked and for that we thank you and the community thanks you . Keep it up.”

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